
Atlantic Puffin.
Fratercula arctica arctica
While working with the Newfoundland Provincial Parks (1963-1987) I visited the Birds Islands at Witles Bay protected area.

The photo was taken on Gull Island about 25 yrs ago. It is one of four (Gull,
Green, Great, and Pee Pee) that comprise the Witless bay sea bird ecological reserve. Gull island has 30,000 pairs of puffins; but great has even more (52,000 pairs).The reserve is the largest Atlantic puffin colony in the western North Atlantic. Overall, these four island have 10 different species of sea birds with a total number of more than a million birds. At that time when I was there this islands had an interpretation program and people were taken on guided walks. There is no such program now. Legitimate photographers/writers can visit the island by permit. Usually 5-6 go out there every year. Newfoundland has 11 ecological reserves. Witless Bay Ecological Reserve is located approximately 5 km (3 miles) off the coast from the community of Witless Bay. It has the second largest population of seabirds breeding in eastern North America. Prevalent bird species; Atlantic Puffin, Leach's Storm Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa leucorhoa (780,000 pairs) second largest colony in the world, Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa trydactila trydactila (42,000 pairs), Common Mures Uria aalge (77,000 pairs) others Thick -billed Murres Uria lomvia, Razorbills Alca torda torda, Herring Larus argentatus & Great Black-backed Gulls Larus marinus, Black Guillemots Cephus grylle. Best viewing times June 1 - July 15. Tour boat operators provide regular visits and interpretation to the site. Abundance of other marine life, whale in particular and icebergs too!

For more information write to: gryan@tourism.gov.nf.ca

Atlantic Puffin / Lunda
Fratercula arctica arctica

Ujfoundlandi parkokhoz tartozik a Madár Szigetek védett terület és 4 szigetböl áll. (Gull, Green, Great, and Pee Pee) Ez a kép a Gull Islandon készült kb 25 éve. Akkor még csoportosan be lehetett menni és vezetett tura volt. Most csak irók és elismert fényképészek mehetnek oda kb 5-6 egy évben.
Gull Islandon kb 30,000 pár puffins él, a Great Island-on kb 52,000 pár. A reservátumban él a legtöbb puffin az Észak Atlanti Oceánban. Ez a négy sziget 10 fajta tengeri madárnak (több mint egy millio madárnak) ad otthont. A föbb fajok: Villás viharfecske
Oceanodroma leucorhoa leucorhoa (780,000 pár) Csüllö Rissa trydactila trydactila (42,000 pár), Lumma Uria aalge (77,000 pár) Alka Alca torda torda, Ezüst sirályLarus argentatus & Dolmányos sirály Larus marinus, és a Fekete lumma Cephus grylle.
A közeli Witles Bay községböl rendszeresen viszik ki a turistákat kis hajókon a madarakat távolból megfigyelni. Sokszor lehet bálnákat, fokákat és jéghegyeket is látni. Legjobb idöpont a turára junius 1 - julius 15.

Köszönet Ungi Balázsnak a madárnevek magyarra forditásáért.

További felvilágositás, publikációk gryan@tourism.gov.nf.ca